TRAVEL AROUND ICELAND BY FERRIESFerries are used to reach some destinations in Iceland, including the islands around the country, like Vestmannaeyjar, Grímsey, and Hrísey. There is also a ferry that sails across Breiðafjörður, for easy access to the West fjords.Vestmannaeyjar: The Ferry Herjólfur serves the route between Vestmannaeyjar and Þorlákshöfn daily all year round. Here's a list of ferry routes in IcelandVestmannaeyjar - ÞorlákshöfnStykkishólmur - Flatey - BrjánsækurÍsafjörður - Djúp Dalvík - Grímsey - Hrísey Hrísey - Árskógssandur Mjóifjörður - Neskaupstaður